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TX RX: Pioneers in RF Manufacturing

From Concept to Reality: The Comprehensive Manufacturing Services of TX RX Since our inception in 1976, we have carved a niche in becoming a pivotal player in RF component and part manufacturing. Renowned for our unwavering commitment to quality and innovation, TX RX is positioned as a trusted OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) provider. Our clients

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Security Part Deux: Part 6 of Rick Moore’s Blog Series

Security Part Deux Hi everyone and welcome back to my next installment of a strange IT guy in a strange land. Wait, or is that a newb traversing the oft confusing landscape that is LMR (Land Mobile Radio)? Naw not a newb anymore, more like a level 1 helpdesk tech who is simply happy to

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What’s your handle?: Part 2 of Rick Moore’s Deep Dive into LMR

What’s your handle? When I was on my first in-person interview at TX RX, I was asked what I knew about TX RX and the products we made.  Of course, being prepared for my interviews, I spouted off information from their web site, talked about the TTA’s, duplexers and other RF components. How they are

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